
Succeed At Social Events

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Prepare yourself for success when socialising, especially at Mojo Mingle events. In this course you will learn how to:😎 Feel more confident attending social events😎 Break the ice and develop rapport😎 Start interesting conversations😎 Arrive at events and feel prepared😎 Share contact details with people😎 Choose the best event type for your personality😎 Follow social event etiquette – the dos and don’ts of being social SNEAK PEAK: “How To Start Interesting Conversations”

To access this course, Membership is required. Choose either Free, VIP Monthly or VIP Annual.

  • Workbook / Notebook

  • Pen / Pencil

  • Completing Worksheets Options:

    👉  Download and print digital worksheet. Hand-write answers on worksheet.

    👉  Download digital worksheet. Hand-write answers in an exercise or workbook.

    👉  Download digital worksheet. Type answer into the PDF using Preview (Mac) or Adobe Reader (Mac or PC)


    🧠  4 min Preview video tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iTB3oRyqKkE
    🧠  4 min Adobe Reader video tutorial: https://youtu.be/wpW8_8Y_0LU